img_3570Last week fourth class were given a difficult task – to make a balloon buggy. We had to watch a youtube video for the instructions on how to make it. We needed to use cardboard, milk tops, sellotape, straws, a balloon and two pens. To power the car, you needed to blow into the balloon that was attached to the top of the car. The car moved on wheels which were made with the milk tops. We made an axle for the wheels by attaching the cartridge of the pen to the wheels and sliding the cartridge through a straw. The straws were attached to the bottom of the car.

On Friday October fifteenth we had a competition to see whose car could travel the furthest. There were fourteen super-cool cars raring to go. They came in all different shapes, sizes and colours. A.D. and Ms Farrell measured how far the cars travelled. P.G. recorded the results. Well done to everyone who made it such a competitive race which was such great fun. In the end I was very surprised that my little car was the winner. I think it was just down to my big breath! Here is the results table:



Lightning 6m 49cm
Wheatie 4m 21cm
Ellenester Express 2m 78cm
Flash 1m 84cm
Unicorns Unite 1m 71cm
Tiny Lego Balloon Kart 1m 10cm
Thunderbolt 92cm
Bella 68cm
Mist 66cm
Eimear Junior 60cm
The Robot Destroyer 45cm
Slow 32cm
Bob 0cm
Jessica Junior 0cm
Jim-bob 0cm
Slow coach 0cm

By A.P.