St Peter’s School Community came together in style on Friday 15th March to celebrate the Confirmation of our two Sixth Class groups. It was a momentous occasion not only for the pupils but also for their families, the school staff and the Dromiskin community.
Bishop Michael Router was the main celebrant and Fr Gerry Campbell and Fr Pat McEnroe concelebrated. We would like to thank Kevin the Sacristan and Josephine O’Connor for the floral display at the church. Many thanks to our teachers Mr Smyth and Mr McComish for preparing the children for this sacrament and to Anne Clarke, the class ANA who helped to prepare the children with their artwork displays. We appreciate the additional support of the NET team who visited once a week to support the children on their spiritual journey. The Confirmandi from St Peter’s NS looked especially smart in their school uniforms and gold sashes. The school community would like to thank Ms Bridget McCann for making all the new sashes. Sewing skills are so much appreciated and hopefully this will inspire a few future seamstresses among the 6th class children. The Confirmation Mass was enhanced by the beautiful voices of Scoil Dairbhre choir, accompanied by the organist, Aiveen McKenna and conducted by several staff members from their school. The Easter Eggs provided by the Parents’ Council of both schools were very much appreciated and truly deserved.
On the day, it was wonderful to meet so many parents who had prepared sandwiches, cakes, buns, scones with jam and cream, even a Confirmation Cake and goodie bags, as they set up the school hall for the Teas/ Coffees Reception. Thank you to the Smyths of Wholly Cow Farm for supplying the milk on the day. We were blessed with good weather and the parents pouring the teas and coffees hadn’t a minute till the last drop was poured. The Sweets Table for the Confirmandi and their siblings looked very appealing and once again, the treats were delicious. The hall looked so beautiful with bunting and flowers. It was lovely to see Darver and Dromiskin ladies helping out in the Hall on our special day. We truly are grateful to you ladies for giving your morning up to ensure all the children and their families had a great party.
Video from Parents’ Council here.
Congratulations to all the Confirmandi from St Peter’s NS and Scoil Dairbhre. We hope the rest of your weekend was filled with joyous celebrations.