Comhghairdeas do ghach duine sa Scoil Naomh Peadair as an obair den scoth don mhí seo. Táim lán- bhuíoch as an iarracht sarmhaith ó pháisí agus ón bhfoireann scoile chun gach lá a bheith áthasach agus spraoimhar. Seo iad na buaiteoirí sa chomórtas Gaeilgeoir na Míosa i Mí na Shamhna.
Naíonáin Shoisir Ms Smyth- Patrick Thornton
Naíonáin Shinsir Ms Doherty- Patrick McKeown
Rang a hAon Ms O’Rourke- William Whyte
Rang a Dó Ms Halpenny- Oliver Phillips
Rang a Trí Ms Moore- Makar Bachvalov
Rang a Ceathair 1 Ms Lambert- Taylor Corrigan
Rang a Ceathair 2 Ms Bermingham- Senan Dolan
Rang a Cúig Mr McComish- Ruby Curran
Rang a Sé Mr Smyth- Ross Keenan
Féachaigí ar na griangrafanna anseo.
Congratulations to all pupils on working so hard for the month of November. It has been a challenging month but the pupils and staff have displayed great tenacity, humour and resilience in their ‘Can Do’ attitude. Well done to everyone and keep up the good work. A special congratulations to the following pupils on attaining Student of the Month for November.
Junior Infants Ms Smyth- Fionn McArdle
Senior Infants Ms Doherty- Charlie McShane
First Class Ms O’Rourke- Paige McEvoy Jean
Second Class Ms Halpenny- Ella Farrelly
Third Class Ms Moore- Hannah Sweeney Yore
Fourth Class 1 Ms Lambert- Conor Maguire
Fourth Class 2 Ms Bermingham- Leona Caffrey
Fifth Class Mr McComish- Senan Dolan
Sixth Class Mr Smyth- Lee McNally
We are delighted to announce that the overall winner of the Hamilton Trophy this month is
Lee McNally- Sixth Class.
Photographs can be viewed here.