imag1989-copyIn the month of September Mr Mc Comish and 5th class made hot and cold Florence Nightingale pictures inspired by Paul Klee’s “Senecio” . We made them because we were learning about her in our history books. Firstly we drew a picture of Florence Nightingale on a piece of a4 paper. Then we cut the picture of her out and glued it to a piece of black a4 card. Then we drew a line down the middle of the picture and we split each side into sections. After that we coloured one half cold (cold colours like green, blue and purple) and the other half hot colours (warm colours like orange, red, pink and light brown.) The hot and cold colours remind us about the work Florence did to clean up the hospitals she worked in and also other hospitals at the time. They look amazing altogether in the classroom. ( By Lorcan )